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Moderator: Andi

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By Keith Thompson
I tried to convert some DVDs to MP4 files to view through the USB.

They show up in the USB menu but don't play. They play fine on my Quicktime Player.

What am I doing wrong?
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By admin
It maybe the format,video code and resolution ,you can check the video,If these parameters go beyond the ranges of the player,you must convert the video use [url=!IIcRnKzQ!Tbn4_s0zSejJMsTBbch0_jr0bfM48UeyNEtI_4PuWVg]Conversion software[/url].

If you player is CH1001/CH1002/CH1005/G0307,you can reference the follow form
If you player is PD0701/PD0901/PD1001,you can reference the follow form
PD0701-PD0901-PD1001.png (10.94 KiB) Viewed 884 times
CH1001-CH1002-CH1005-G0307.png (34.54 KiB) Viewed 884 times