USB Movies- new files don't show in the navigation window
PostPosted:Thu Apr 06, 2017 7:19 pm
by mushudog
I have copied some new files on the USB Stick but the unit does not see any new files or folders I create .
It shows a previous folder structure of the stick .
I tried reseting the unit - but no luck.
If I plug the stick in a computer, the files are visible and can be played.
My unit is (CH1007S)
Re: USB Movies- new files don't show in the navigation window
PostPosted:Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:57 am
by admin
The video coding , resolution and format will cause the question ,you can check the video,If these parameters go beyond the ranges of the player,you can convert the video use [url=!IIcRnKzQ!Tbn4_s0zSejJMsTBbch0_jr0bfM48UeyNEtI_4PuWVg]Conversion software[/url].
You can reference the follow form.The player is not support h264 coding and MKV files.